Power Speaking Dynamics

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Power Speaking Dynamics

Everyone Needs A Mentor


Do you wish to be a Power Speaker? Would you like to stand before an audience and ’Wow’ them with the way you articulate – with confidence, conviction and clarity? Well, it is in all of us to be able to do so because, in the words of Dale Carnegie, “Great speakers are not born. They are trained”.

This means attending courses and workshops on Public Speaking, reading books and articles, listening to great speakers, joining a Toastmasters Club. One most significant avenue is to find a Mentor. Jack Canfield believes strongly in this and suggest we seek someone out who is really good in an area we want to elevate ourselves in and ask for help.

Many successful people who have made it to the top owe much of who they are and what they have become to their Mentors. Mark Zukerberg said of his Mentor Steve Jobs “Thank you Steve for being my mentor and friend, for showing me that what we do can change the world”. Oprah Winfrey said this of her mentor Maya Angelou, Poet and Author “She was there for me, guiding me through some of the most important years of my life. I don’t think anyone in this world can make it without some form of mentoring.”

Did I have Mentors? You bet, and I still do! My growth as an articulate speaker began in my school days. I had teachers who paid particular attention to the way I read and spoke, and I paid the price of mispronouncing words! I had a Mentor in the late Bro. Ultan Paul who helped me win Elocution contests at both school and state level.

It was my Mentor the late Gerald Green, Toastmasters Malaysia Pioneer who taught me the finer points of Public Speaking. He was a true Role Model, not only to me, I am sure, but also to the multitudes of Toastmasters whose lives he touched in his more than 30 years as a speaker and trainer. When he autographed his first book The Magic of Public Speaking, he wrote “Thank you for your help. Now it’s your turn!”

Well, my turn only came in 2014 when I co-authored the book “Power Speaking-Communicating at Head and Heart level for Maximum Results”. I paid Gerald the best tribute I could by featuring him and his accomplishments in a chapter of the book titled “It’s all about passion”. It was Gerald who helped launch my career as a Corporate Trainer, something I will always acknowledge with a deep sense of gratitude. Today I train and mentor others-corporate managers, leaders, students at both school and college levels, passing it on, living my life-purpose to “Touch lives and make a difference”

In his last book “Speak Like A True Leader”, Gerald says that as we climb higher, the more visible we become…. that’s when communication counts all the more.

Find your Mentor and see the difference it will make in your ability to speak well.