Power Speaking Dynamics

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Power Speaking Dynamics

How to write a Powerful Speech. Part Three


The last two issues covered Planning and Strong Starts/Strong Endings. Planning lays the foundation for writing to begin.

  • OUTLINING. This is the first step and should cover the following:
  • The introduction: greeting, objective, attention-grabbing statement.
  • Assemble the three points to be covered (Rule of three concept – one of the most powerful for speech writing). Include three sub-points per point if required.
  • Insert quotes, stories, factual or statistical information to give substance to the message.
  • Outline the summary of your speech in the conclusion. Close strong as discussed in the Planning stage.
  • Expand on the points to be covered.

 –    Be accurate, brief and clear.

 –    Choose words carefully to inform or ignite, move or motivate.

 –    Ensure smooth transition from one point to another. Use key phrases like  

       “Next I will cover….”    Or “My next point is….”                                                                         

  •       Key question to be addressed while writing: Am I writing with the interests  

             of the audience in mind?

  • EDITING. It is a check to ensure:

 –  Flow, continuity, clarity.

 –   Correct grammar, facts and figures

 –   Relevance of stories, quotes, statistics.

            –   Strong Opening and Closing.

            –   Time allotted can be met.


Test what has been written. Read through it, ask also for feedback from a colleague or family member.


Based on Feedback, amend the affected parts. Once again check for a smooth flow and ask the final question: Will this speech (talk or presentation) get the desired response from the audience?

After this comes Practice, Practice and more Practice!

A closing thought from Phil Collins, Former Speech Writer for Tony Blair:

Remember that every speech has something of ‘You’ in the writing. Don’t take that away when you write. Be yourself. Be comfortable in your own skin”